This website is about turning points. About coming to a certain point, a sticking point, and seeing your way out to the other side. And what I’m hoping the website turns into is a forum of sorts, a discussion group, a place – a safe place – for similar minded people to come and find a community. A community of people who understand, who have been there, who are still searching. A community based on compassion and empathy and kindness. A community where you might find answers to your deepest darkest questions. Or at least others with similar questions you can commiserate with. I’m hoping this website turns into this type of community, because this is what I’m searching for too. This is who I am searching for, too.
On more practical terms, I am a mid-forties female, who a little over a year ago packed up my single life in the city and moved in with my mom in a little seaside town that is a busy vacation spot in the summers and a semi-retirement community the rest of the year. I took with me: my clothes, books, entire kitchen (did I mention I love to cook?), my also recently acquired MBA that isn’t actually doing me any good out there in the real world, and a mountain of debt (city life can be a bit hard on the single gal I did not take with me: most of my furniture, my car (lease was up, and I made the decision to not get a new one for the time being), my two cats who had both passed away from senior kitty things (see mountain of senior kitty medical debt above).
So I’m here in a bit of suspended animation. Trying to figure out what comes next, and more importantly, what I want to come next. I still have my office/desk job that I’ve had for the past 20 years, but is it really “what I want to be when I grow up?” Is there something that I’m supposed to be doing that will better fit for me and helpful to others? Do Is still want to live the dreams I had for my life when I was in my twenties, or have they changed? (For the record they’ve definitely changed, just trying to figure out what specifically my new dreams are.) So, this blog is going to be a bit of soul searching, a bit of memoir reading, in general trying to find myself, now at 40-something. Which feels like a very weird place to be, because wasn’t I supposed to do all this “finding myself” in my twenties? Or is this what a mid-life crisis looks like? Am I even old enough for a midlife crisis?
So, come along for the ride, while I discuss the books I’m reading, the philosophies I’m discovering, the movies, memoirs, websites that I find have something important to teach – something I could learn from. And please join in the discussion! I’m hoping this website creates a safe space for conversation, sharing ideas, learning from each other, and in general just knowing we’re not alone at this point in our lives.