Finding My Wildly Authentic Self, Courtesy of Maria Shriver
I was originally going to focus today’s post on Maria Shriver’s weekly newsletter, particularly, this post. She wrote it at the beginning of the year as a kind of taking stock of where things are and where they’re going. More so, where you want them to go.
At the same time, I’m sitting here putting together my work objectives for this year for my 9-5 desk job. (Yes, in case you’re wondering, I am procrastinating the job thing by writing this blog post!)
Also, it is the end of March at the time I’m writing this, the astrological new year, around the spring equinox, and there’s a new moon at the end of this week.
All of these speak to fresh starts and new beginnings. Taking stock and realizing potential. Giving yourself time and grace to navigate through life’s twists and turns.
Maria mentions her book, Just Who Will You Be?, inspired by a graduation speech she gave. This time, though, she brings up the idea that this is a pertinent question at any stage of life, not just when you’re starting out on your adult life path. Remember, she says, “your purpose is yours alone, so try not to compare yourself or what brings you joy to someone else. Don’t be afraid of your differences or wildness. Celebrate them both. They are what will lead you to your own wildly authentic life.”
This is what I want to find, my Wildly Authentic Self. So, this year, and you can either think of me being incredibly late with my “new year’s resolutions” or right on time, I want to do the things I was always too self-conscious to do. Or too tied down to convention to do. Or too busy worrying what others might think of me to do.
This is my year of creating new habits, of finding myself or perhaps just rediscovering me, of doing things I kept putting off saying there was no time. This is my year of taking care of me, for a change, and hopefully in the process of finding my wildly authentic self.
So far, I’ve started getting up much earlier than I was used to, 5:30 to be exact. I get myself out the door for an early morning walk by 6:30 (sometimes 6:45). I catch the sunrise and listen to an audiobook novel. I’ve even made some new friends in the early morning crowd. And I’m getting my 10,000 steps in by the time I get back home.
I’ve started volunteering at a nonprofit organic farm and animal sanctuary. I’m getting my exercise in shoveling sh*t, umm I mean manure, and getting my steps in. and then there are all the animal snuggles! Since my cats passed away a few years ago, and moving in with my mom, I haven’t gotten another pet. So, this is sort of filing that need. And as much as I would tell you to volunteer for the purely altruistic notion of you’ll feel better about yourself; really I’m going to tell you to find something you love or are interested in and find a way to volunteer with that. Because as much as I do feel good that I’m helping out at the farm and with the animals, truly, I’m in it for the horsey snuggles! The doggy ones too!
And then there is this blog. This blog that I so want to grow and get people reading and talking and interacting with it. This blog that scares me to death that someone will actually read it, and yet I want so much traffic on it that I’m able to leave my 9-5 desk job and blog full time. This blog that I feel could lead me to so much more. So much that I’m not even sure what that looks like exactly.
According to Maria, “You must be brave to make hard choices. You must be willing to push through the discomfort. You have got to stand in your truth and be willing to see it through.
“The key is getting comfortable with the unknown. Remember, your purpose is yours alone, so try not to compare yourself or what brings you joy to someone else. Don’t be afraid of your differences or your wildness. Celebrate them both. They are what will lead you to your own wildly authentic life.”
And I’m hoping that getting comfortable with the unknown, and celebrating my differences and my wildness will lead to my own Potted Oasis. And I hope you choose the best path to your own Potted Oasis!