Fourth of July Collective Tarot Reading
I’ve been trying something new, so I wanted to share it with you all. As I’ve been doing a bunch of shadow work, I’ve been getting more in tune, or perhaps simply more comfortable, with my intuition. Using it. Trusting it. At the same time, I’ve been listening to tarot readings on YouTube. Some of my favorite readers are: The Gem Goddess, Kloee Taylor, Kino Tarot, White Feather Tarot, ProDivinity1111 Tarot, and The Guided Intuitive.
I also have a YouTube page, A Potted Oasis. It’s mostly guided mediations for now, but I do plan on offering recorded tarot readings too. I’ve actually been reading my own tarot cards for about 20 years, but just for myself and close family. I think I used to feel a little funny about it, and didn’t feel entirely comfortable letting others know I did this. But, a funny thing about all that shadow work-doing – it helps you feel more comfortable in your own skin.
Anyway, I wanted to try my hand at doing a reading for the collective. I thought a general, “What advice do you have for the collective for the 4th of July weekend?” would be good. I used the Light Seer’s Tarot and used the guidebook that came with the deck. But there were only parts of each card that stood out to me, so I didn’t copy each page completely. You’ll see what I mean. Let me know how this resonates with you.
The first thing that stood out and I wanted to include, as I started shuffling the deck, there were two cards that flipped over, well actually one flipped over as I split the deck to shuffle the two pies together. So put the other half down to check out the first card, and when I went to pick the piles back up, the card on the bottom of the one half stuck to the table. Nothing else stuck after that, so I took it to mean I should use them as part of the reading. Maybe as a pre-reading reading.

Ace Cups reversed – A time to nurture more self-love. Your capacity for love is expanding, so check in and make sure you aren’t repressing your ability to connect with others as a result of being overly protective. Mindfully extend the love you feel to your own heart as well. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. With copious amounts of self-acceptance, get ready to expand! Exciting affinities are emerging, and it’s time to open up and give yourself permission to deepen your kinship with the life around you.
4 Pentacles reversed – Coveting, lack mentality, placing too much value on money. How do you feel about your finances? Negative feeling around abundance will breed energy blockages big enough to hold back even the most magical of trajectories!
The rest of the reading progressed below. I didn’t place specific intentions with each position of cards, I just asked for a general, What do we all need to know now, and for this weekend coming up.

Hermit – Show me my brightest light so I may see with all of my heart. It’s time to make space for your sacred aloneness and self-care. Inner reflection, meditation, soul searching, inner wisdom, finding your guide within, taking time away from the chaos of a busy life
8 Pentacles – With loving determination, I persevere, and I become the person I long to be. Mastering skill, methodical progress, patience and determination, soul purpose. Patience and determination… mastering skills… develop unique form…. Study, practice, improve, thrive… Find flow in the details, no matter what it is that you find yourself dedicated to.
Chariot reversed – Lack of energetic focus, lack of self-discipline, going in the wrong direction, a tendency to speed past the needs of others. Inaction is the same as deciding to stay still. Charging ahead without paying attention to your path can sometimes be harmful to those in your wake, so take care not to trample on others on your way up the mountain. Choose the thing you really want. Focus your efforts and move swiftly. If you aren’t sure what your direction is, then it’s time to make some plans, affirm goals, and spark dreams.
Knight Wands/ 5 Pentacles –
Knight Wands – Pursuing your dreams, fast energy, enthusiasm, courage, taking inspired action, the pursuit of adventure. What have you been dreaming about? That passion project you’ve been tinkering with? Allow spontaneity into your choices and gift yourself the freedom to shift your reality to match your desires. Its ok to crave new things and to run with the wind when you are feeling charged up about an idea. Go with it! Allow this high-spirited energy to rush in and incite a wildfire of positive momentum.
5 Pentacles – Doors that activate magical opportunities are always opening for me. Feeling left out or ostracized, worrying about your security, a chance to clear energy blockages. It’s time to address any feelings about safety and security that have you worried about your well-being. To counteract these corrosive energetic states, you are being asked to reclaim your personal power. Find your hunger for fierce positivity and seek opportunity in your current circumstance. Against all odds, all oppression, all class barriers, all everything… there is always a choice to move beyond your current limitations. Make the absolute best of your luminous life – you are not locked out from that which you desire. See the keys that will help you get there and choose to open the door.
7 Cups – My wildest imagination is a tool that I can use to inform my future in a down to earth way. Fantasies, choices, wishful thinking, needing to move forward without knowing the full picture, options. When you daydream your way into the future, the options can feel both under- and over-whelming. The path from A to Z is often nebulous, and life can present itself like a game of chutes and ladders that brings you down only to lift you up. Your desire to choose the one correct and perfect path can further complicate and muddle your decision, because there is no way to know everything that will spill forth from the Cup you choose! Use your intuition to decide – remembering that the temptation of shiny things can be illusory, while challenging paths will often hold unexpected opportunity. Ask your discerning heart what options honestly stand in front of you today, and even if things are not exactly as they seem, choosing that which you truly desire will offer the most useful steppingstone right now.
6 Wands – I am worthy of this success, and I am grateful that I am seen. Badass success, leadership, accomplishments, being seen, becoming an influencer, victory, optimism, inspiring others. Relish the sweetness of this victory! Something that you’ve been working toward is finally coming to a successful fruition, and it’s time to celebrate your wins. Gift yourself permission to bask in the warm glow of accomplishment and allow the supportive community around you to witness and appreciate the progress you’ve made. Taking time to see your own radiance is as important as making the next move on your journey – accepting success will see more of it. Others will turn to you for wisdom now, so step up and share your brilliance. Remember that no one else in the world has your magic, and that the most important person to impress, wholeheartedly, is yourself.
Strength reversed (bottom of deck) – Blocked by fear, self-doubt, a reminder not to be guided by the lizard part of your brain, self-destructive impulses. There is great fortitude in your calm heart, and a gentle demeanor will not be mistaken for weakness when you share your gift of relentless love with the world. Allow confidence and composure to guide you toward your desires without the use of excessive force or aggression.
2 Wands – (pulled out from bottom of deck when I went to pick up the cards) – Planning your future, making progress, possibilities, the choice between comfort zone and new adventures. You need to make a choice, to really do that thing you want to do, or not. You can dream it and envision it, or you can begin to live it. Planning and imagining can have us feeling like the observers of a dream, and our action is the only way to bring that dream to life. It’s time to choose between the Wand that’s cozily rooted in the place you already know, or the one that leans into exciting new possibilities. Take a deep breath because self-initiated change can be scary! The only way to take strides towards your goal is to make your move. Learn that thing. Call that contact. Make that decision. Use the fire energy of the Wands to make your shift!