Some Quotes from Ghosted by Rosie Walsh
I find sometimes that there are quotes that just sort of jump out at you from whatever you’re reading, or watching, or even listening to. Sometimes that meaning is part of the story that’s in front of you, but I find more often than not, they’re meaningful to YOU, and whatever is going on in YOUR LIFE, right at precisely THAT MOMENT. I believe this is what some call SYNCHRONICITY.
It’s like the universe is sending you a message that yes, you are on the right track. And THIS! RIGHT HERE! PAY ATTENTION TO IT! Sometimes these are not always things we want to pay attention to, but they are nevertheless things that we’re mulling over. You know those things that keep swirling around in your head. Those little niggling ideas that you’ve been considering but maybe aren’t quite ready to take action on. I find whenever I’m focusing on things like this, something will pop out at me, while I’m running around doing my daily routine, that says YES! This thing you’re considering, it’s THE THING! Go get it girl! Or perhaps something stands out that sort of says, HOLD UP, maybe this isn’t necessarily the path you want to go down right now. More often than not, what jumps off the page helps me with all the feels about what’s running through my head. What jumps off the page is there to help me know that “No, I’m not crazy. What I’m feeling is totally valid. And actually there are others who’ve had the exact same thoughts, feelings, concerns. And see this quote right here? It’s proof that there are others out there who are you’re kind of crazy.” I realize this may sound bad, but actually it helps me feel better about things, cause it helps me feel less alone, and more part of a community, even if it is a community of unknown others.
So I’d like to share some quotes that stood out to me from a novel I recently read call Ghosted by Rosie Walsh. I picked it up on a whim thinking it was going to be a total fluff book for the twenty-something set. I mean Ghosted? that’s totally a term from the youngins (sorry to anyone who is in their twenties! I turned 44 this year, and I’m starting to really feel the divide, you know?) The book jacket said basically it was about a woman who spent a only a week with a guy, but she knew, she KNEW, he was the one. But then the week was up and they went their separate ways, and he said he’d call but then HE JUST DIDN’T. See? It just reeks of quick, simple, you know how this one ends. But that’s totally not how the book is! First, the main character is in her thirties, which somehow gives a bit more credence to the book (see ageism thing above) It was well written and I loved the way she told the story. Sort of in a This Is Us sort of way with flashbacks, and told from somewhat various views, and with twists you didn’t see coming. The kind that have you going back and re-reading parts, cause after the THING, previous parts take on a different meaning. I really enjoyed it, and I highly recommend.
So in any case, here are the quotes that stood out to me.

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Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.