Get your life out of reverse!
I’ve been dreaming a lot lately. Often of trains, or cars, or other modes of transportation. Sometimes I’m driving, and sometimes I’m a passenger. In my most recent dream, I was a passenger, and the I knew the driver in my dream but not in real life, and he was driving backwards! So I went and looked it up at Dreammoods.com: “To dream that you are driving a car denotes your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. If you are driving the car, then you are taking an active role in the way your life is going. However, if you are the passenger, then you are taking a passive role. If you are in the backseat of the car, then it indicates that you are putting yourself down and are allowing others to take over.”
So, according to my dream, I’m not taking an active role in the direction of my life, and in fact am handing it over to the older gentleman driving the car (the person I know in the dream, but not in real life). And the car is being driven backwards. If I were to interpret this, I’d say that I haven’t been taking as much of an active role in the direction of my life as I thought I was. Or maybe just that it’s time to move a little further along in the direction I want to go. I’d say that I’m allowing others (the Universe, maybe?) to take bigger control of my life than I have. And actually, it almost feels like a direct message from the Universe.
As a slight aside, for those who believe in the Law of Attraction, you know that not only is it about thinking positive thoughts and mentally focusing on what you want, but it’s also about physically doing things that back up your desires. That you do tangible things to let the Universe know you really mean it, that you really want that thing you’re focusing on. That’s when the real magic happens. I’ve been focusing on changing the direction of my life. I want to work for myself, get out of my 9-5 desk job, have an income that will keep me very comfortably able to pay my bills and have a place to live that isn’t necessarily with my mom, to have a car even that I can afford, and be able to pay my student loans without stressing every month. And I want all of this while still having the time and energy to have a social life too. (I know, I want it all.) So, I’ve been focusing on all those positive things I want, and how good it will feel to not be stressed over it all and just be calm and have fun. And bit by bit, in very slight ways my life has been improving.
“Hey, you want help? Great! I’m here. But you gotta be here too. You gotta show up and do stuff that lets me know you want this for real, for real… like not for fake.”
Now, part of my plan to get to this better version of my life is this blog. I’m hoping to meet new people, create a community perhaps. I want to help people who maybe are on similar paths to mine and find others who may be able to help me along the way too. And at the same time, I want this blog to provide a comfortable income. So, I went ahead and visualized all this, and I’ve gotten the blog started. I’ve watched some courses on the best way to set up and monetize a blog, and I’ve put some of those tips into action. But it’s been a little haphazard, and I definitely haven’t been consistent. So, I’m seeing this dream as a message, that “Hey, you want help? Great! I’m here. But you gotta be here too. You gotta show up and do stuff that lets me know you want this for real, for real… like not for fake.” Like if I don’t start being consistent in what I’m doing, not just what I’m feeling and visualizing, then the Universe will have no choice but to send me backwards to where my life was, because that seems to be where I want to be based on what I’m doing.
This could not be farther from the truth. So I guess I need to put my money where my mouth is. Take control of my life, by taking an active role in it, and not let someone else be the driver of my life. My first step? Start being consistent with posting to this blog. I’m working hard at creating A Potted Oasis of my own, and I’m taking you all along for the trip. Hopefully, you’ll find some useful tips that will help you realize your own Potted Oasis!